Headless Horseman



Mile High Shooting has commissioned a famous artist to create a limited-edition MHSA
Halloween headless horseman with an Accuracy International rifle.  This limited run artwork will be used in marketing, on stickers and on shirts for promotional use.
While supplies last, every purchase from MHSA of an Accuracy International product or
riflescope optic shipped/received 10/14/23-11/30/23 will receive a complimentary artwork sticker as part of their purchase.

While supplies last, every purchase from MHSA of an Accuracy International AXSR rifle or
riflescope optic from MHSA, from 10/14-11/30 will receive a complimentary limited edition
artwork t-shirt.  

While supplies last, www.milehighshooting.com and our retail store will have for sale these
limited-edition MHSA Halloween headless horseman with an Accuracy International rifle t-shirts.


Promotional details are as follows.

  • Post a picture of you in your limited-edition Mile High Shooting Accessories Headless
  • Horseman shirt or display the shirt and upload it to Facebook and/or Instagram, tag Mile
  • High Shooting Accessories, then tag two friends in the comments section, and be
  • entered to win a $50 gift certificate to our store!
  • Post a picture of your limited-edition Mile High Shooting Accessories Headless
  • Horseman sticker and upload it to Facebook and/or Instagram, tag Mile High Shooting
  • Accessories, then tag two friends in the comments section, and be entered to win a $50
  • gift certificate to our store!
  • We're also giving you the chance to win a $250 Gift Certificate to our store if you can
  • guess who the headless horseman is. It won't be easy, though. You'll need to watch for
  • clues we drop on our Facebook and Instagram pages.  When you think you know,
  • message us your answer on either social media channel, and you will be entered into
  • the drawing for a $250 Gift Certificate! We will choose the winner at the end of
  • November. Guess what, though...the headless horseman may catch up with you... Stay
  • Tuned...Happy Halloween!


HINT: It is an MHSA sales employee, Accuracy International team member or Snipers
Hide team member.

Disclaimers: Must be 18 or older to participate, limit one entry per customer, dealers excluded, supplies limited, restrictions apply, inquire within.