Warhorse Development: Clede - Ranger Green

Warhorse Development
Clede - Ranger Green

Out of Stock

Out of Stock

The Clede Field Bag hits the in-between on size and weight versus the world-famous Saracen and Comanche bags.  Sometimes the Saracen is too big and sometimes the Comanche is too small.  Clede is in the Goldilocks Zone of the field bags.

Clede was a Special Forces horse used by ODA 595, 3rd BN, 5th SFG, Mission Code: Tiger02.  Their task was to overthrow the Taliban.  Clede was part of what would become Task Force Dagger.  We have it on good authority that Clede was the only horse worth a hoot.  To honor that horse and those men we are proud to introduce Clede to Warhorse Development’s lineup of amazing shooting support field bags.